Suzuki SDT2
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2024.03 Suzuki SDT-II SDT 2 Diagnostic Tool V2.37.1.1 Suzuki Smart Diagnostic Tester-2 Bosch MTS 6516 Support Both Suzuki Cars and Trucks
SUZUKI SDT 2 VCM (Made by Bosch) & Suzuki SDT-II Software Latest Version on a Panasonic CF-54 with windows 10. The SDT 2 works with most of the current model Suzuki cars and trucks. This kit does not include the accessory Immobiliser dongle.The SDT 2 is the newest #diagnostictool for #Suzuki vehicles. It is significantly faster than previous tools and offers new features such as: VIN Lookup; Vehicle Health; and Communication Bus Check. The SDT 2 also has an optional WIFI dongle accessory which allows remote diagnosis.Package Include 1 x Suzuki SDT II VCI 1 x 1.8M OBD Cable 1 x 3M USB 1 x USB WI-FI Dongle 1 x Drivers/VCM Manger (USB Drive) 1 x CF54 with software (optional)